Thursday, November 27, 2014

Grey Thursday

Our society has accepted this new idea where Thanksgiving is being overtaken by stores opening and they are calling it "Grey Thursday".  I don't know who originally came up with the idea.  I think one store started opening earlier than the others and the other stores felt they had to keep up so they opened even earlier and it continued from there.  Pretty soon we will just skip Thanksgiving altogether it seems and "Black Friday" will be no more.  It is pretty ridiculous if you ask me, and to protest my dislike for this idea- what do I do?  Well.. they say if you can't beat em' then join em' right?

It all started 6:00 PM Thanksgiving night and lasted for the next 6 hours.

The sales were better than we had expected.  Between the large bag of peppermint kisses, someone letting off stink bombs throughout Target, the many pillows, I'd say it was very successful.

We may or may not have jotted down a few notes for how to proceed next year.  
Until next time ladies!

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